Why am I unwell?
Many ailments are caused by stress. The roots of this stress can be known to us, or buried deep in our forgotten experience. If this stress remains untreated it can come through as physical symptoms.
Yours may include sleeplessness, lack of energy, headaches and frustration.
In general, you may feel that you can’t cope.
Could Kinesiology be right for me?
This results in an ongoing and sustainable sense of well being, and freedom from stress related illness.
Why not complete this short questionnaire for a free initial assessment on whether Kinesiology can help you on the path to wellbeing?
Would you benefit from Kinesiology? Take our short survey to find out.
Tell me more about Kinesiology
Its distinguishing tool is muscle testing; a method of tapping into the body’s knowledge to identify the underlying causes of health problems, and to guide the therapeutic process.
If you would like to discuss Kinesiology with a practitioner, please arrange a one hour session to determine the causes of stress and ill health in your case, as well as to develop applied ways forward. You can explore the issues troubling you and undertake therapeutic work, guided by muscle testing, that is most effective for you.
Muscle testing guided work includes bringing awareness to the client, finding priority corrections to help diffuse stress, and an age recession where the root cause of the stress can be identified and cleared.
Most of the session will take place seated, although some work requires standing or lying on a treatment couch. The treatment will allow for restrictions on mobility, and you will be fully clothed throughout.
Clients are encouraged to attend at least three sessions, for the therapy to integrate into the mind, body, and deeper emotional levels.
Each session lasts one hour and costs £50.