We heal when our buried past surfaces and can be released. We all have some buried blocks as we've all had stress in our pasts which we couldn't resolve, but for the most part they stay buried.
We carry on with our lives, our often very busy lives and we tell ourselves we don't have time to relax, let alone be ill. However sometimes that's exactly what we need to do.
When blocks start to surface, they often feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we don't understand why we're feeling that way and even find that we can't actually pinpoint our exact symptoms. We're not exactly "ill", but we're definitely not feeling ourselves. This is often the time we reach for our addictions: a bar of chocolate, a cigarette, a glass of wine or even a pattern of behaviour. These addictive behaviours may make us feel better in the short term, but what they're doing is numbing us to what's happening and pushing the blocks back down into our bodies. Be warned, however, our bodies want to heal, so they will resurface again and again until we release them.
Space also encourages our blocks to come up. This is why some people feel uncomfortable when they find themselves on their own with a whole day to fill and no clear objectives. We may moan about the pressure we find ourselves under in our lives, but it keeps us safe from having to deal with our past and having to feel the discomfort that can arise.
However, I find that this discomfort is usually worse if we resist the process. If we give ourself the day off, listen to our body and address its needs, whether that's a day in bed, or a long walk, or curling up with a good book, the process will progress all the more easily. If we can't give ourself a whole day off, an hour each evening when we do nothing can be extremely beneficial.
Also, it's important to remember that these emotions can't hurt us. It's our associations with the feelings and our resistance to the emotions that cause the problems. Also our panic that we don't know what to do about them. The word emotion comes from energy in motion and the motion bit is important. In fact, all we have to do is notice them, breath and watch as they flow through us, probably changing a few times on the way, and eventually go.
And to do this, all we really need is time to heal.
1 comment:
so worth remembering :)
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