So, I've been pondering over this for the last few days. Firstly I wondered how true it is. Certainly for many of us, we like the status quo and resist change. But then there are the adventurous among us who often head off into the unknown. I've known people who tell me change is a good thing, and they're right, but do these people also have their fears before they step off the metaphorical diving board?
It's definitely true that the familiar is often seen as safe. We know where we are with the present circumstances, even if we don't like them. The new and unknown change may be better, but then it also may be worse. The trouble is that we don't ever really know until we've made the change, and then it may be too late to go back.
The familiar protects us. We know how to respond and what reaction we're going to get. We know where and how we fit in. We can easily visualise the future when it's exactly the same as the present. The new is daunting and it often involves taking a leap of faith into the unknown.
So what is going to make us change. Well for some of us, the thought of adventure is enough. We take a deep breath and leap with a confidence that it'll be a good experience for us. For others, change only happens when the present circumstances become too unpleasant, or when external circumstances force it.
Now, we're all influenced by external circumstances to some extent. So the way in which we adapt to forced change is also significant in our lives. Do we fight against the inevitable or do we go with the flow? Does it really do us any good to fight against the inevitable? Well, for our personal stress levels, the answer is probably no. However there are may people throughout history who've managed to bring about great changes for the positive by not accepting externally enforced situations.
Often we don't know what to do for the best. We oscillate between the different options available to us. Do we change or do we accept? I find the best way is to try to split the arguments into those coming from the ego and those coming from the soul. The soul has our highest good as it's focus. It only wants what will expand us and help us to grow. It will guide us to that which will fulfill us and help us use our gifts in the world. The ego focuses on that which will keep us safe and therefore encourages us to do what will enable us to fit in, what will cause the least disruption and often comes from a place of fear. The soul guidance comes from a place of love.
So I invite you to tune in to these 2 voices. They both have their places in our lives, but it's good to be able to differentiate between them.
And lastly, I leave you with these well-known words of wisdom because I think they sum up this subject so well.
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
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