Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year

Wow, I  just looked at my last post at the end of September - on the importance of rest and it seems I've had over 3 months off.

Well it was a lovely rest, but now back to work!

It's the new year - no surprise there. We get one every year and it's usually full of great new intentions on how to set our lives in the direction we'd like them to take.

I've noticed that for the last 2 new years, I've had an overwhelming urge to de-clutter.  To get rid of the old; things that are no longer needed in my life.  To be honest, I have a slight obsession with decluttering.  This is not to say that I live in minimalist bliss.  Oh no!  I have lots of possessions.  But maybe that's why I'm always so keen to get rid of the stuff I don't need.

And also, there's the amazing feeling I get when I prise a bag of unwanted items from my drawers and cupboards.  It feels like relief, freedom, a lightness. I feel excited, like it's the start of a new phase of my life.

If I could do this every day, I would, but unfortunately life doesn't work like that.  I find that I know the right time for me to de-clutter. I get drawn to it and off I go.  The rest of the time I have to live my life.

And does it change my life?  Well, not in a dramatic way, but definitely things change each time this happens.  Maybe my attitude changes, or maybe it triggers me to look at some area of my life or a belief system which is no longer serving me.  I often find that it's an easy way to kick start a change that I know needs to happen, but I can't quite put my finger on the details.

So if you're feeling like a new start, but aren't sure how or where, open a cupboard and start de-cluttering.

1 comment:

Claire Bushell said...

Yes, I've been enjoying de-cluttering both at home and at The Wellbeing Centre. Emergency clear ups for me usually involve stuffing piles of unsorted items somewhere out of site, behind cupboard doors. When the time pressure eases, I go back and sort them out and enjoy finding some lost treasures in the process! It certainly feels very satisfying to have a good clear-out.