I've had a really bad week this week (not a great start to a blog, you might think). A really irritating but fairly little problem last week sent me into a complete state of... well I can only describe it as uselessness. I spent the week completely unable to focus and just kept falling asleep. Well as a self-employed businesswoman, I realised that this was completely unacceptable to my current lifestyle, so I duly addressed the problem, like any good therapist, with a session of kinesiology. This proved extremely successful in re-connecting me with my life again, but it was also interesting where the problem had come from.
I'd thought (as I often do) that I'd dealt with this event, but the session I had yesterday made me realise that there was yet another aspect which had come from it that had been left undiscovered up till now.
Seemingly small incidents from our past can have a big effect on our present lives without us realising where the issue came from. Protection mechanisms put in place at the time of the original stressor remain even though conscious memory of the event may fade. And because we put them in place for a good reason, we often find it's difficult to let them go.
However, yet again, kinesiology has gently found a way to identify and clear the problem.
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