I recently have undergone some therapy. I do this often - I think most therapists do, maybe more than most, because we know just how beneficial it is. But I digress...
This therapy included listening to some hypnosis CDs each day. That sounds easy, right? Well, I've managed to stick to it, but what was interesting was that I noticed quite a lot of resistance to it at the start.
To briefly summarise, the point was to re-programme my subconscious, which is great and just what I wanted to happen. However, my subconscious, which I learnt recently, only develops until the age of 6, didn't wholly agree that it wanted to change and tried to throw a childish tantrum. I got some mild headaches and I got very tired. I also got the feeling that it would be easier if I didn't bother.
Luckily, having been in this business for a while now, I recognised these symptoms for what they were and my conscious (the adult part of my brain) decided to override these impulses. I also had a gentle chat with my subconscious, thanking it for dealing with things the best it could in the past and telling it kindly that it didn't have to take on all these extra duties, which were really the role of the conscious, any more.
The next time I listened to the CD, I felt a much greater relaxation and felt energised at the end.
Now, this can happen with any holistic therapy. As we heal, part of ourselves can want to hold on to the old ways of being. It may be that the old ways were a form of protection. It may be that this part fears what will happen when change comes.
The key is to be aware of the resistance for what it is. We can't fight resistance; we have to gently coerce it to change. Think about how you'd like to be approached in order to change and use the same approach when you talk to your subconscious.
You may find amazing things happen.
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